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Hey howdy hey! My name is Anthony John Regner, but just call me Anthony. My online alias is “A278”, in three different colors, but if you prefer just alphanumerical characters, you may call me “A278PlusPi”. I am years old. I finished Hunter College in July 2023, with a bachelor of arts in computer science. Prior to Hunter College, I completed my associates degree in June 2021 at City Tech.

I am currently at MaMome, as a frontend web developer. Earlier, we have recreated the MaMome website, and added new features to it to immensely improve user experience. We are currently undergoing our website migration from Wix to AWS.

Why Computer Science?

I am a software engineer, web developer (ReactJS, HTML, CSS), and/or an UI/UX designer. Since high school, I chose to pursue computer science, because there are lots of fun things I can do with technology. I seize opportunities to “make things come to life” using different programming languages and a variety of data structures I have learned so far. In addition, I love to customize my appearance of my Windows desktop, using my “brand” colors and my favorite font (Roboto). This was made possible by using the Windows Registry editor and WinAero as well.

My favorite part of computer science is that mathematics (especially discrete math) is highly integrated into computer science, which provides lots of applications that are essential to understanding how technology works such as combinatorics, logics, recursion, and even regular expressions. Mathematics has been my favorite subject since my childhood, and again when I completed Calculus 1. Not only I love discrete mathematics, I find discrete math “essential” in the software engineering world and in the K-12 curriculum. To supplement this, I have become an undergraduate teaching assistant for CSCI 150 (Discrete Structures) to show my love for discrete mathematics. I took my love for discrete mathematics even further when I became a recitation instructor for that course since the Spring 2024 semester.

The most challenging part of computer science is programming, especially when dealing with parts that “break” my program. When this happens, in most cases, I either research why a part of my program is breaking it or implement workarounds. However, there are times that I ask for help from my colleagues to advance my development in my program. For example, I got stuck writing my parser for 6 days until I received assistance from one of the CSCI 235 UTAs and provided me a simple and concise guide on writing my parser. After passing CSCI 235 in Spring 2022, it has changed my outlook on making programs.

What are my hobbies?

As a software engineer, I have spent some time improving my coding skills by utilzing platforms such as LeetCode, HackerRank, etc. since April 2022. With LeetCode, it has helped me tremendously bring me steps closer to passing coding interviews and get hired! While practicing, my favorite topics are hash maps/tables, sliding window, and math-adjacent ones. I even have participated in LeetCode contests weekly to test my knowledge on my problem-solving skills. My contest rating is currently 1638.

Outside of the coding realm, I play a lot of modern Tetris, notably TETR.IO. Prior to that, I already have some knowledge of how to clear Tetrises and basic T-Spins as I played Tetris Friends and Tetris Battle prior to the shutdown. When I am first exposed to TETR.IO, I started by playing the custom mode, and then Zen mode. Later on, I have completed my first 40 line sprint in 2 minutes (about 0.9 PPS) at that time, and got ranked . Since then, I have been playing TETR.IO somewhat regularly not only for fun, but to improve my skills as a semi-competitve modern Tetris player.

As of October 2024, my best 40L sprint time is 57.403 seconds (1.79 PPS), as well as my Blitz score is 123,362, and my Quick Play 2 altitude is 965.1 meters. I am hoping to reach soon!

The other games I play (or have played) are: Disney Magic Kingdoms, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, Super Monkey Ball (Gamecube series), and variety Super Mario games back in my childhood.

Let's connect!

You can check out my GitHub profile as well as connect with me through LinkedIn! Should there be any questions about me - send me an e-mail! [first_name][dot][last_name]278[at]